#command line

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7 months ago

Find the instance id of an AWS EC2 instance within that EC2 machine

There are multiple ways to obtain the instance ID of an AWS EC2 instance
One way is to use the command line tool or make an HTTP call [ more ]
5 months ago

Unix/Linux: How to get the top-level directory (only) from a file path

The problem is to extract the top-level directory name from a given file path.
The provided solution uses a combination of commands like dirname, cut, and sort to achieve the desired result. [ more ]
1 week ago

Mac: How to send text messages from the command line and shell scripts

You can send text messages from macOS command line and shell scripts to known Messages/iMessage contacts via phone numbers or email addresses. [ more ]
1 month ago

Essential Linux Terminal Hacks for Efficiency-Part 2

To reuse commands, utilize reverse search and history command. Display date/time in history for reference. Run multiple cmds concurrently with specific chaining options. View large file content easily with 'less' command. [ more ]
7 months ago

Find the instance id of an AWS EC2 instance within that EC2 machine

There are multiple ways to obtain the instance ID of an AWS EC2 instance
One way is to use the command line tool or make an HTTP call [ more ]
5 months ago

Unix/Linux: How to get the top-level directory (only) from a file path

The problem is to extract the top-level directory name from a given file path.
The provided solution uses a combination of commands like dirname, cut, and sort to achieve the desired result. [ more ]
1 week ago

Mac: How to send text messages from the command line and shell scripts

You can send text messages from macOS command line and shell scripts to known Messages/iMessage contacts via phone numbers or email addresses. [ more ]
1 month ago

Essential Linux Terminal Hacks for Efficiency-Part 2

To reuse commands, utilize reverse search and history command. Display date/time in history for reference. Run multiple cmds concurrently with specific chaining options. View large file content easily with 'less' command. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The Top 5 Best Big Data Analytics Tools & Solutions for 2023

Running commands inside a Docker container can be easily done using the 'docker exec' command.
The 'docker exec' command allows you to enter a running container and execute commands as if you were inside the container itself. [ more ]
7 months ago

Find the instance id of an AWS EC2 instance within that EC2 machine

There are multiple ways to retrieve the instance id and metadata of an AWS EC2 instance within that instance
You can use command line tools like ec2metadata or ec2-metadata, or make an HTTP call to retrieve the instance id and other metadata [ more ]
Amazon Web Services
7 months ago

Introducing Amazon CodeWhisperer for command line | Amazon Web Services

Amazon CodeWhisperer for command line aims to make software developers more productive by modernizing the command line with AI-powered features.
CodeWhisperer for command line adds IDE-style completions and inline documentation for popular CLIs, increasing productivity and reducing typing time.
The command line is often challenging to use, with its outdated interface and lack of input validation, causing errors and frustrations for software engineers. [ more ]
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